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A prosecutor can destroy a defendants reputation, family life, and career prospects with a single press conferenceor with one of the on camera perp walks that Rudy Giuliani pioneered as a federal prosecutor in Manhattan, which raised questions of due process and fundamental fairness. Rakoffs warnings echoed a speech that Attorney General Robert Jackson delivered in April 1940 to a conference of federal prosecutors. In that speech, perhaps the most famous in the Justice Departments 150 year history, the future Supreme Court Justice called his audience of U. S. Attorneys one of the most powerful peace time forces known to our country:The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in America. His discretion is tremendous.
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The effects of playing video or computer games are both positive and negative. Heres a bit about their negative or ill effects. Playing violent video games a lot makes an individuals brain less responsive to violence. This unknowingly leads to and increased aggressive behavior, as over time, the brain does not perceive that aggression to be anything abnormal. Would you like to write for us?Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. Get in touch with us and we'll talk. Few activities are able to duplicate the joy that gardening as an activity brings. It is an activity that offers several things all at once. Try gardening and dabble in landscaping, or experiment with making a flower or vegetable garden. Other than that, it also offers you the chance to be close to nature and experience profound peace of mind. Plus, imagine the joy when you see all your efforts paying fruit like thus.
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We call a negative correlation between attention and volatility the volatility ostrich effect. In contrast, trading motivated attention seems unlikely to decrease in market volatility. In addition, news media coverage of the stock market may stimulate financial attention by acting as a market wide analog to stock attention grabbing Barber and Odean 2008. Hypothesis 2: Attention decreases in market volatility. Hypothesis 3: Attention increases in news media coverage of the stock market. The second motivation for our investigation of attention is to understand the impact of attention on trading. The new idea is that trading can be decomposed into an attention decision and a separate decision to trade conditional on paying attention. The former is driven by a demand for information, while the latter is a pure or post attention trading decision that takes the attention decision as given. Aggregate trading combines patterns in both components. A new feature of our analysis is that we identify behavioral motives for these two components of trading separately. Patterns in logins reflect attention behavior driven by information utility bursts, such as the ostrich effect, as well as by monitoring for potential trading opportunities.
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It is as though someone sat down and made a list of every individual on earth who actually did not need emergency financial assistance from the United States government, and then handed them the keys to the public treasure. The Fed sent billions in bailout aid to banks in places like Mexico, Bahrain and Bavaria, billions more to a spate of Japanese car companies, more than $2 trillion in loans each to Citigroup and Morgan Stanley, and billions more to a string of lesser millionaires and billionaires with Cayman Islands addresses. Our jaws are literally dropping as were reading this, says Warren Gunnels, an aide to Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Every one of these transactions is outrageous. But if you want to get a true sense of what the shadow budget is all about, all you have to do is look closely at the taxpayer money handed over to a single company that goes by a seemingly innocuous name: Waterfall TALF Opportunity.